The Rest of the Story, kinda …

I just learned a new favorite quote that I’m going to plagiarize from a movie I’m watching with Jean, Diane’s Mom, while Diane goes to Walmart in her nightgown. Here’s the quote, then I’ll explain the rest of that in great detail.

A problem is an opportunity dressed in work clothes.”

The Movie is “A Taste if Christmas” and it’s on the Lifetime channel. A great quote.

Now, for the rest of the story …

First, Diane swore she wasn’t going to wear her nightgown to Walmart but I don’t know why. If I had a nightgown, and looked as good as she does in it, I’d do it. Honestly, she did leave Mom’s house in her nightgown to go home and tackle a chore while I look after Jean. That’s code for “make sure she doesn’t fall down,” “feed her,” and “watch whatever she wants to watch on TV.” The first two are simple because she doesn’t fall down any more, and I feed her when I’m hungry. The last one is more difficult because I’m never sure I’m on the correct channel at the correct time. During the week we progress through News, The Price is Right, News, Wheel of Fortune, News, Days of Our Lives, News, Lifetime, etc…

Today, however, is Saturday and, as I watch this movie I know there’s a college football game playing on at least 12 other channels but I’ve been directed to steer clear of those to spare Mom the agony of being forced to watch that kind of chaos. Sometimes I dial up those channels on my laptop so I can watch one of my favorite teams (Ducks & Beavers). I’ll be doing that later this afternoon when they are playing.

Sorry, but I got a bit distracted by all the keys on my laptop and it’s difficult to NOT touch at least most of them while I sit here. Sometimes things appear on my screen that actually make sense. All the other “stuff”I try to make it disappear. Once in a while something stupid slips by, so forgive me.

The reason Diane leaves Mom’s in her nightgown is because she spends her nights with Mom. After I get here, and have my coffee, she sneaks into the garage and gets in her car, before opening the big door, then drives home where she takes a shower before getting to work on one project or another. Our house is a little bit remote so there’s no danger of being seen in sleep wear up there. Or, there’s no danger of being seen improperly dressed at home because no one really cares up there.

About that … taking a shower, then going to work on something that’s bound to make one sweaty. I’ve always thought she did that in the wrong order. She should work first, then shower, right? But, she doesn’t and I’ve become accustom to her dyslexic approach to work and hygiene. On the upside, she always smells really great when she begins working. She also smells really good after she’s done working. So, having said that, it’s evident that I don’t really know what I’m talking about when it comes to taking a shower. Because of that, I’ve decided to just take a shower whenever she tells me to. One more decision I don’t have to worry about.

Oh! I went through the TV directory and discovered that there are 13 channels with football games on, not 12. Although I just guessed the 12, I’m sad that I was wrong because I’m so rarely that. Wrong, that is. Just ask Diane. She’ll tell you I’m almost always right.

Today Diane said she’s going to work on getting “things” out of the RV before the weather turns to bad. It’s not fun carrying a load of “stuff” from the RV to the house in the snow, or a torrential rain storm. Actually, doing it in the snow isn’t totally bad. I kinda like it that way. So, I’m not taking out my “stuff” until it snows. The way the weather is trending, I may not have to move my “stuff” at all.

I’m rambling so it must be time to stop.

Now, I think I’ll go take a shower, then watch some football.

Happy Veteran’s Day 2021

As most of you know, I spent a considerable amount of time on active duty as part of the US Navy. I retired in 1989 and still celebrate my association with the Navy and appreciate the many ‘Thank Yous’ I receive from those I meet. It was an honor to serve and I’m humbled when people take the time to thank me for that service.

What many folks do not consider is the sacrifice our spouses made over the course of those military careers. They did not have an easy job being left alone with all the household responsibilities. Many marriages cannot weather that storm and, sadly, ending in turmoil for the families.

I am blessed to still be married to my high school sweetheart who joined me in 1968 and was whisked away from sleepy Warren, Oregon to Okinawa, Japan on the other side of the Pacific Ocean . She experienced culture shock and endured this life-changing experience, supporting me, making us an unstoppable 2-person team throughout the remaining 20 years of ‘our’ career.

Yes, it was ‘our’ career, not just mine. She put in the time and dealt with just as many difficult times as I did, never faltering, always there for me and our children.

That’s what I think about every day, and especially on Veteran’s Day when we who served are put in the spotlight.

So, My Love, Thank You for Your Service.